For the mise-en-scene task Ramiro, Sabrina and I had to show though out a still or a series of shots how we felt about the school. The ideas of owr feelings when we see this image, as a symbol of knolegde and wisdom and also a very preety school. The prep school, before we maked this shot, we were thinking of anything else, but when we saw this image, we thought "whyt dont we do this" because we thought it was very beautifull and simbolic. So we made a scheme of our shot , with all the nature around it. Our shot is a long shot, this is better for capting all the building and also is middle angle shot.
miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011
lunes, 4 de abril de 2011
Summary of editing:
The film editor must know how to tell a story, be politically savvy when working with directors and studio executives, and have a calm and confident demeanor. Millions of dollars of film and the responsibility of guiding the picture through post-production and into theaters rest in the editor's hands. Scenes may have been photographed poorly and performances might have been less than inspired, but a skilled and creative editor can assemble the film so that the audience will never see these imperfections.
The film editor, working with the director, shaped the scene into its final form. After hours and hours of reviewing the unedited film, he created this one-minute scene.
Cuts and Transitions: Assembling the Scene
Editors select sounds and images from all the film that has been shot and arrange them to make the movie. They also plan how one shot will best transition to the next. There are dozens of possible transitions the editor can choose, each of which will create a different feeling.
Editing often begins as soon as film has been shot. Early scenes are assembled for the producer and director to view. Occasionally, the actors will also view these early scenes.
The first cut of a film, called a "rough cut," takes up to three months to complete. The Sometimes the editor works alone, sometimes with the director. The sound designer and music composer join them for the final cut.Today most editors use computers or nonlinear digital editing systems to compile a film. The editor arranges the work print, and then creates an edit decision list that will be passed on to the negative matcher.
sábado, 2 de abril de 2011
“Strangers” film review
From the three different short films that we saw in class I Hill talk about “Strangers” because I think it was the most shocking and interesting movie of the three short films. On this film you could see the Nazis or also called actually Neo-Nazis. The film takes place in the subway in which at some point after they climbed up the two principal characters 4 Nazis entered to the subway, and they see the two other guys, one that was Jew and the other one that seemed to be also Jew. There you could see by the look of all of the Nazi characters eyes that they wanted to kill them, but working together as a team they could escape from there.
Because there was no dialogue in the movie and remarked stress and thanks to the tone and volume of the music it can produce a grater attention and suspense in each part of the movie. Another thing to note is the different takes on the faces of the characters that show what they are feeling such as fear of the two Jews to the Nazis when the Nazis came into the subway. In the movie there are greater numbers of close-ups. The most impressive were the shots of the faces of the Nazis showing their anger and hatred towards the Jews. Also when they show the tattoos and earrings that does show that the strange people had caused more fear. The movie is constantly filmed with close shots what it could show that only appears one person only in each shot. In few parts of the movie you could see more than one people in a scene.
In conclusion I can say that this is a very good movie, which needs no characters with dialogue to understand it. Has an excellent editing, esenography and which weapon a great movie. I recommend this movie for aver 15 year old people because at that age you are really capacitated to understand the movie and enjoying it.
jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011
French Impressionist Cinema (1918-1929) Friday, March 11, 2011
1) Find two images for French impressionist paintings.
Give brief caption with name, artist, date. Explain briefly the important characteristics of French Impressionism.

- Van Gogh’s A Starry Night (1889, near the mental asylum at St. Remy, France.
- Van Gogh Still Life Vase with Zinnias 1888.
2) Three outside factors that influenced the rise of French Impressionist cinema?
Explain in your own words.
After WW1 there was an economic decrease in France (and all the rest of the world) which led cinema went down, so French Impressionist movies had to come up with new ideas to make this theme popular worldwide.
3) Describe three or more important technical aspects of French Impressionist Cinema (i.e. use of camera, editing, sets, lighting, narrative, etc.)
Camera use: different angles were used such as a close ups. High and low angles and movement.
Mise-en-scene: low lighting, use of shadow shots. Also arrangement of movement in a specific subject.
Optical Devices: such as the use of magic, mirrors. Enfficise significant details that gave the film key meanings and details to think about.
4) Find information on two important film directors in French Impressionist Cinema from 1918-1929: name, photo, major films, interests or concerns shown in films.
Name: Abel Gance.
Major Films: Victoire de Samothrace, La Digue (ou Pour sauver la Hollande).
Interest in sound films when came out, interested in telling stories, for example filming Vénus aveugle after the invasion on France in 1940, to give hope to the French.
Name: Jean Renoir.
Major films: On purge bébé (Baby's Laxative, Le Crime de Monsieur Lange).
Grand Illusion (La Grande Illusion) one of his best known films. It was about series of escape attempts by French POWS. It was very successful, but became more successful because it was banned from Germany. He was very opened and filmed all over the world.
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